Oh it is wonderful that He should care for me enough to die for me. Oh it is wonderful to me."
I am brought to tears when I reflect on these lyrics to my favorite hymn. I am truly humbled today when reflecting on my life and past experiences.
I stand all amazed at the love I have felt from my earthly family and friends as well as my Heavenly Father. I stand all amazed at the healing power of the Atonement. The power is real and personal to me. Through this past month, I have strengthening my relationship with God and Christ through prayer. I have stood amazed at the overwhelming feelings of love and comfort I have received through the hard days when I feel like giving up or when I feel like no one understands. I stand amazed that I can stand and move about, even though I am still limited in movement. I stand amazed at the modern technology and the doctors I have been led to who will help me return back to full health. I stand amazed at those who have reached out to me, for those who willingly wake up early to get me to appointments or school and those who drop everything to strengthened me up when I am at my weakest.
I stand amazed as I receive promptings to help me through this time. It was not a coincident that the first New Testament class I went to we sang "I Need Thee Every Hour." I stand amazed that simply flipping through an Ensign magazine can lead me to an article that is exactly what I need to hear. Similarly, in my New Testament class this past week, we talked about 2nd Corinthians My professor explained that in Biblical literature, this is referred to as the "greatest exchange epistle," meaning that Christ and God exchange the bad that we have for the good they can give. The first chapter spoke to me personally. Verse 4 reads "Who comforteth us in all our atribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the bcomfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God." This means that God will not take away your problems all at once...but He will bring my comfort. I stand all amazed at the comfort He brings me. When I am at my lowest, He brings overwhelming feelings of love and peace if I simply remember that He is there. In addition, a main reason God does not take away trials is so you can help others. I can be a tool for God to work through and be there for other people when they have trials. I stand all amazed at all those who have been with me through this time in my life. I do not deserve such wonderful friends and family members. I stand amazed that God would trust me enough to be an instrument in His hands. I stand amazed that there is a reason for this trial in my life and that He willingly stands, waiting to help me.
Most of all, I stand all amazed that Christ willingly have His life for me, a sinner who is overwhelmed with the love that He offers me. I know that I am never alone and that in those dark times Christ is standing at the door ready for us to lean on Him.