This post might be a little scattered today because I am extremely scattered. I've got 22 days till the end of this semester and ahhhhh, there's a lot to do.
I've been thinking a lot about life. I mean, I'm a college student, 19 years old, and trying to figure out my life. You can really take anything and apply it to your life and say "well, this gives my life meaning." I think that's what things like books, tv, movies, and music try to do. For instance, the song I'm listening to right now is "Who I am Hates Who I've Been" by Relient K. What is that song saying? Basically that I'm a changed person and I don't want to be like who I've used to be. I love that song.
Anyway, I digress. I think that a major source that people find reason to life is religion. At least, that's me. I find lots of reason to keep going when life gets hard because of my religion. I've been in a New Testament class for the past year, and let me tell you- I have grown to love the New Testament. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe the Bible to be the word of God, as well as the Book of Mormon. Now that I'm older and perhaps more knowledgable, I really gain a lot out of studying the New Testament. We're just finished Paul's epistles, with Hebrews and are getting into Peter's. I have never found so many verses that strengthen me or that I write "to read when going through a hard time." My goal of this post is to share some with you that will strengthen my faithful readers through whatever you're going through--a personal trial, finals, or fear.
Hebrews 10:32 "But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions." -- Wow. There is not one among us who has not had a trial, being something small such as a failed test or something huge and long lasting, like a physical limitation. Each trial affects us in different ways and each are "equal" in pain. But, my brothers and sisters, be illuminated. If you endured it then, you can endure it now! Through what, you may say? Through however you did at the time of the trial! Whether it was simply saying "I can do this" or falling on your knees and pouring your soul out to a God who loves you. Paul goes on to say "cast not away therefore your confidence." Believe! My friends, there is so much we have to rejoice in! Peace, this will be but a small moment. Keep going, keep believing.
Peter 1:6 "Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations." -- My professor took this verse and commented, "Life is tough--rejoice!" What? I know that when I go through a trial, I hardly rejoice. I normally complain, saying "Ouch this is hard! What did I do to deserve this? God, can you take this away from me?" But do I ever get an answer to that prayer? Hardly! If anything, I receive peace that I can continue this or I am led to a verse like this one. Life is hard. Trust me, I know. But at the same time, trials benefit you. It's SO hard to see that when it's happening to you. But afterwards, it's beautiful to look back and think, wow. I know why that happened. It's so I'm prepared for the future or because of this and that. Life is great.
Peter 4:12-13 "Behold, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers in Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy." Finally, in light of the beautiful Easter Sunday we just had, rely on Christ and His atoning sacrifice. When it seems life gets too hard, remember that there is a God in Heaven who loves you and His Son sacrificed His perfect life so we can return to live with God again. Can you imagine the rejoicing on that great day, when our Heavenly Father welcomes us back into His arms? In that moment, you will have great joy, realizing that you passed, with the help of Christ.
I pray that when trials fall upon us, especially those college students who are beyond stressed with papers, group projects and finals, we will turn to the things that keep us going. Whether that is religion, or whatever helps you to keep going, remember to rejoice. Life is good!!
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