Sunday, August 26, 2012

Whirlwind of Emotions

Wow, yesterday was a whirlwind of emotions. I finished unpacking, and then cried my way through the rest of the day. I couldn't figure out why I was so emotional but I think it was a few reasons.
1. I'm a girl. Self explanatory? You tell me.
2. I got really close to my family this summer. Like REALLY close. I couldn't stand to see my mom leave. Which is a little strange, like last year I was like bye, leave me, I'm ready to be on my ownnnn! I guess this year I was just a little afraid of being SO on my own, like with the food and the grocery shopping and stuff.
3. I was T-I-R-E-D. Super tired. I don't remember when the last time was I got good sleep where I woke up and felt extremely rested.
So in any case, after lunch and some shopping, I came back with my parents and just cried for awhile. Then Mom started crying so we both had to stop haha. But after Mom helped me with a few more things, I felt a little better. Still, when my family left, I was really close to tears (I think a few spilled out). Luckily, Janel, Katie, and Shelby were heading to the grocery store, so I went with to just get a few things (first trip out on my own, whaddup!?).
Afterwards, I told Janel that we needed to go workout. So we went in Liberty Square's dinky little workout room with 5 ellipticals, 3 treadmils, one bike, and 5 weight machines so I could work out all my emotions. BOY, did it work!!! Janel helped me on weights and abs and I felt SOOOODANGGOOD afterwards!!!!! Like I didn't want to stop but my body wanted a break haha. I made myself a Peanut Butter Power Smoothie for dinner in MY blender :) and it tasted real good. We had our first "apt mtg" to discuss chores and how we will divide up food to share. We got to know Colleen a bit more (our 6th roommate) and she's super sweet with BEAUTIFUL curly hair. *Jealous*...oh wait...I have curly hair too...haha. She fits in well and I can't wait to get to know her better!
During the mtg, I felt really sick and the next thing I knew, I was throwing up in our teenie, tiny bathroom. >.< Shelby took care of me and put me in bed with a cold washcloth and then took Janel to the store to buy me some Sprite. I'm not sick, no worries there, but I figured it was the workout combined with above reason #1. I hate being a girl sometimes haha.
I slept pretty well on our SUPER tall beds (I have a legit two-step step stool) but woke up at 8. REALLY!? Last year, it was a miracle if I was out of BED at 8!? Oh wells. Maybe this is the "new" Megan speaking. The one who loves to work out and eat healthy. Maybe her body is telling her that the early she goes to bed, the better she'll feel the next morning. Maybe these whirlwind of emotions will finally subside once I find MY routine, the one that works for me and keeps me happy and healthy. :)

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