Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Eye Contact

I've been thinking about this for awhile now. I'm not really sure when it started.
I'm taking a Student Development class right now, not required for my major. Basically, I took it for an easy two credits and I decided to take it without much thought. Oh man, I am SO glad I took it. It's been the best class. There's about 30 of us, probably not even that much, and so it's a small class which allows you to get to know mostly everyone rather than my huge 200 count lecture class, which I hate, by the way.
Anyway, the Student Development class is called "Life Plan and Decision Making." Perfect for me, as I'm switching up my major this year and not to mention, I'm a horrible decision maker. My professor is a psychology major, which is sorta similar to sociology so I find that the class goes into why people think the way they do and different ways people mess up in talking to one another. Basically, the class is fascinating to me, perfect for my new major, and I look forward to it every Monday and Wednesday.
Well, I sit in the front of this class, so naturally the professor is always right near me. In my small classes in high school, I never wanted to sit in front- I didn't need to because I have good eyesight so I put myself near the back. Being in college, I realize that when you sit in the front in huge lecture classes, not only do you hear better but the mindset is different. In my first history class of my freshman year, I sat near the back and didn't know anyone. I'd fall asleep almost everyday because my professor would turn off the lights and it just wasn't working out. But the kids in front used their laptops, so I started bringing my laptop and sat in the front. That was a huge change! But I digress...
So, front of my student development class, and there's about 30 of us, right? So naturally, my professor and I make eye contact a lot. In years past, that was SCARY to me. Eye contact with a teacher means he's probably going to call on you or he can tell if you're paying attention.
Not anymore.
My mindset about eye contact has totally changed. Every time this certain professor and I make eye contact, it seems like I can understand her better. Is that weird? I don't think so.
See, I think most people in this world are afraid of eye contact. Watch the next time someone talks to you. Do they look you in the eye? When they took, do you look them in the eye?

I believe that having eye contact is not just a courtesy, it's a necessity. I mean, the eyes are the gateway to the human soul, right? Just experiment next time you have a conversation with someone. Eye contact doesn't just mean that someone's confident and able to look you in the eye, it means that someone is really listening to you and honestly cares to the words coming out of your mouth.

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