I love Mormon Messages! They are definitely not just for members of our faith, they are beneficially to everyone! I encourage you to look up "Mormon Messages" on youtube during any hard times. They really help me out.
Well, this morning I was listening to Jon Schmidt but I decided I needed a little more spiritual boost for my morning. I've had a rough couple of days and I feel that my spirit needs some encouragement. I was listening to "Have I Done any Good in the World Today?" by Alex Boye and Carmen Rasmusen Herbet (watch that here). I switched over to my very favorite Mormon Message called Moments That Matter Most (video shown below).
Hopefully, you took 3 minutes and 11 seconds to watch it because it's my very favorite video of all time. It makes me cry every time. The little girl on the swing reminds me of my little sister Lauryn and the older grandparent couple/young couple getting married gives me hope for my future. The girl scoring the soccer goal reminds me of my support team of friends and family who are rooting for me. The mom giving her son a welcoming hug reminds me that I have family back home who love me and miss me dearly. The women standing at the grave reminds me that families can be together forever. The man in the car looking at the sunrise reminds me that the Lord created this beautiful earth for us to enjoy.
But what does this video really have to do with me today? I love this quote from it: "We would do well to slow down a little, focus on the significant, life up our eyes and truly see the things that matter most... Diligently doing the things that matter most will lead us to the Savior of the world (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)."
I think the most of the time, we live our busy day to day lives without giving much thought to what's out there and what our purpose is. We try to remember that we are children of our Heavenly Father and that our Savior has done so much for us but often times, we only remember that on Sunday or when we hear talks or attend church. We need to take the time to slow down and remember that "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" (Leonardo da Vinci). How many times do we get caught up in the to-do lists, simple chores, and other extra activities and how often do we remember our friends and family, having a heart full of love and service and praying to our Heavenly Father? I bear testimony that when we take the time to slow down and realize what's really important, our lives will turn out the way we want them to. Instead of taking the time to Facebook or text or even watch a movie, how different would our day be if we went out of our way to do the dishes or make a roommate's bed? Not only would we make others around us happy but we will find happiness within ourselves. By refocusing our lives and putting Jesus Christ at the center, I know that I will be a happier, more pleasant person and will not be offended by the little things people may do. I know that things will work out for the better and my life will be more positive.
I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church on the earth today. I know that I am a child of a Heavenly Father who loves me and knows me. He knows my faults, he knows my weakness, my strengths and my joys. He is there for me when no one else is. He loves me more than I can comprehend. I know that the Savior died for me and suffered for my sins so I can live with God again. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the true prophet on the Earth today and he speaks words of truth and comfort. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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